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Experienced in working with people with


  • anxiety

  • social isolation

  • dementia

  • learning difficulties

 Nature 4 Wellbeing



Nature 4 Wellbeing

It is well documented that getting outside in the fresh air and daylight is good for our physical and mental health.  Looking at and exploring the world around us gives us a sense of connection and belonging that helps to lower anxiety levels and calm the mind.


Jo at Haven 4 Wildlife has over 13 years experience of using Nature 4 Wellbeing to benefit the health and wellbeing of people of all ages through a variety of activities that include:

• Working outside, in particular through gardening that improves an area for wildlife, is proven to lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, help to overcome social isolation and improve mood.  Seeing something that's been sown, nurtured and planted out gives a sense of purpose and pride

- Using hand tools to make wildlife friendly items such as bird boxes helps hand/eye co ordination and gives a sense of achievement

• Walks and talks encourage using all the senses to be ‘in the moment’ and notice nature that is often missed.  This means that day to day concerns and worries are replaced for a time with a sense of wonder and interest

• Assessing green spaces and gardens to see how wildlife friendly they are and how they can be improved gives the skills and knowledge to do something to help wildlife and mitigate some of the effects of climate change

Please contact Jo to discuss how Nature 4 Wellbeing can help you, your family or your clients  

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